Sales professionals need to keep their skills sharp in order to discover new leads, nurture promising prospects and close more deals. But, finding relevant and insightful training can present challenges.
Following a thorough review of sales content presented at several EASA Conventions, EASA now offers 11 sales training videos, each focused on a specific area. Each video groups the relevant sections from past convention sessions*, providing your sales professionals with concentrated expertise on several topics. Moderated by Jerry Peerbolte of J. Peerbolte & Associates, these videos will help your sales team take their game to the next level.
This content is now delivered only through EASA's Learning Center. Subscription required. |
Topic 1
What’s Your Value Proposition?
How well do you tell your company’s story? The keys to a successful sales call are having something to say and knowing how to say it. Most sales stories are self-focused and ineffective. With this program, learn how to develop your sales story, step-by-step.
Speakers: Jim Pancero, Mike Weinberg and Keith Lubner
Duration: 54 minutes
Topic 2
Self-Motivation Ideas for Salespeople
Overcome the 14 obstacles that prevent salespeople from developing new accounts and growing existing accounts. Learn actions to avoid being downgraded as a “vendor/commodity.”
Speaker: Mike Weinburg
Duration: 69 minutes
Topic 3
Effectively Using Your Selling Time
Topic 4
Developing Better Sales Leads
Topic 5
Sales Objections (And What To Do When They Occur)
Learn about the types of sales objections that may occur. Understand the difference between objections and rejections. Find out why we perceive objections a certain way and the science behind a buyer’s objections. Discover ideas to prepare for, and respond to, and overcome sales objections.
Speaker: Keith Lubner
Duration: 57 minutes
Topic 6
Successful Negotiations
Find out what you must know before negotiating. Obtain strategies to use for a more successful outcome. Understand the role of time, trust and tactics, and what to do when negotiations don’t succeed.
Speaker: Mark Hunter
Duration: 48 minutes
Topic 7
Prospecting – Getting the Meeting
Learn to effectively use the telephone to make prospecting calls and anticipate (and plan for) resistance and rejection. Find out how to develop a “mini” sales story to share. Discover ideas for voicemails and emails.
Speakers: Mike Weinberg and Mark Hunter
Duration: 63 minutes
Topic 8
Why Buyers Act Irrationally (And How To Deal With It)
Understand the reasons behind a buyer’s behavior, human characteristics that produce irrational actions and using emotional intelligence to deal with disruptive behaviors.
Speaker: Keith Lubner
Duration: 54 minutes
Topic 9
Overcoming Prospecting Reluctance
Your prospects are not waiting for you to call them. During this program, learn how to get past the typical excuses. Find out how to create specific time blocks, develop a different strategy for different types of customers and effectively work the sales funnel.
Speakers: Mark Hunter and Keith Lubner
Duration: 62 minutes
Topic 10
The Steps in a Successful Sales Call
What happens when you don’t have a plan for a sales call? This program will help you understand the purpose of each stage of a sales call and the talk/listen ratio, as well as how to set sales call objectives. Find out how to secure the agreement to and schedule the next step in the process.
Speakers: Jim Pancero and Mike Weinberg
Duration: 63 minutes
Topic 11
Avoid Price Discounting
Why are we perceived as just vendors and commodity sellers? Learn the arguments (excuses) for price discounting and how to present your price. Find out how to relate your price to benefits and outcomes.
Speakers: Mark Hunter and Mike Weinberg
Duration: 40 minutes
*Much of this material has been previously released and is newly organized and repackaged.
This 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.
This booklet covers topics such as:
Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.